Old republic lightsaber hilts
Old republic lightsaber hilts

old republic lightsaber hilts

The hilts also fold in half in a switchblade-style design, one that's started becoming more popular in the Star Wars universe. With a longer hilt and shorter blades, these sabers are designed to be used more like a staff than a traditional sword. The Lightsaber Pike One of the more interesting variations of the double-bladed lightsaber is the lightsaber pike, a weapon used by the guards at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

old republic lightsaber hilts

Similar doubled-bladed sabers have been used by characters like Savage Opress and Satele Shan. Maul showed how deadly this weapon can be in the right hands, dominating two powerful Jedi at once. The Double-Bladed Lightsaber The concept of a double-bladed lightsaber was introduced prior to The Phantom Menace, but this movie brought that weapon into the mainstream thanks to Darth Maul.

old republic lightsaber hilts

Lumiya nearly overwhelmed Luke with this deadly weapon, forcing him to wield two sabers at once to stand a chance in battle. Built from a combination of unbreakable Mandalorian iron and lightsaber crystals, this weapon is the only lightsaber that creates a flexible beam. Lumiya, former protege of Darth Vader himself, constructed a whip based on ancient Sith designs. Long before the days of villains like Darth Maul and Kylo Ren, 1985's Star Wars #95 featured one of the most unusual lightsaber designs ever conceived. From the designs to the people who used them, these lightsabers are ones that no Star Wars fan would forget.Lumiya's Light-Whip You have to give Marvel Comics credit for thinking outside the box on this one. It only makes sense that some of the franchise's most important characters would have some of its coolest lightsabers. Every lightsaber is different, sporting different hilts and a variety of different colored kyber crystals. While many Jedi and Sith became notable through their actions and impressive feats, what really makes them stand out are their lightsabers. Updated Septemby Adriano Valente: The Jedi stand as Star Wars' most iconic figures, playing a role in most of the universe's conflicts throughout the series' history. Lightsabers have been created and wielded by Jedi and Sith for generations and can be as unique as the warriors who wield them, with some standing out among the rest for their interesting designs, capabilities, and legendary appearances in the franchise that we'll be taking a closer look at today with a dive into some of the coolest lightsabers in a galaxy far, far away. RELATED: Things We Loved About Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (And 5 Things We Don’t) Sith and Jedi also use deadly weapons known as lightsabers that have become iconic pieces of Star Warsmythology.

old republic lightsaber hilts

The Star Wars franchise has become well-known among fans for a number of reasons, from epic space battles to powerful battles between Jedi and Sith warriors and their mastery of the Force.

Old republic lightsaber hilts